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Once a upon a time . . .

There was this mom and daughter just minding their own business when all of a sudden a big, bad dementia appeared. It attacked the mom and started to make her forget things, from remembering to take meds to what day it was. Now this wasn’t all the time. So the big, bad dementia was good…

Conversations. . .Fake or Real?!?

You may be wondering what I mean by this title. It comes about from a recent visit I had with my mom. We were having a conversation and it lead to an answer of we should do that some time all together. Which in turn would mean a trip somewhere a change in her routine/schedule.…

Looking through the looking glass

As I write the title I think of Alice In Wonderland in how dementia and Alice’s world are some what similar to a point. Recently I received a call from the nursing home letting me know about that my mom is in memory therapy. Reason behind this that she is getting agitated that she is…

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